Smoke Detectors

Smoke detectors are one of the most important safety features in keeping your home or business safe from fire. Here at Jaag Electrical, we offer a comprehensive smoke detector installation and testing service to ensure that your premises are as protected as possible.

Smoke detectors save lives by giving you early warning of a fire, giving you time to evacuate the premises and call the fire brigade. In fact, Smoke detectors are required by law in Australia, so it’s important to make sure that you have them installed correctly.

Our trained and experienced electricians can install smoke detectors in any type of property, from residential homes to commercial businesses. We will also test the units to make sure they are working correctly and will provide you with a smoke detector maintenance service to keep them in good condition.

Smoke Alarm Requirements in Melbourne

Every home needs a 240-volt smoke alarm that is powered by the main power supply and has a backup battery, as of August 1997. There’s no denying that having a functional smoke alarm is important. Not only could it save your life, but it also offers peace of mind. Knowing that you and your family are alert to the risks of fire can make all the difference in an emergency situation.

While most people know to test their alarms regularly, many don’t realise that batteries need to be changed annually as well. The lifespan of a smoke alarm is approximately 10 years, after which you should change it.

Smoke Detector Options

Although there are a few types of smoke detectors available, the two most dependable models are photoelectric alarms and ionisation alarms. Photoelectric alarms are equipped with the ability to detect fire through dust or other visible particles that may be caused by smouldering fires. They provide high levels of reliability and a reduced chance of false alarms. Ionisation alarms aren’t quite as popular because they’re slower than photoelectric options, and slow smoke alarms increase the likelihood of damage to the house and its occupants.

Request a Quote

Give Jaag Electrical a call when you need help installing or maintaining your smoke detectors. We don’t shy away from any job, big or small, no matter if it’s at a residential or commercial space. Our team of highly skilled electricians will be there as soon as possible to get the job done right. If you need Smoke detectors installed or serviced in Melbourne, call us today and we’ll be happy to help.

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